What is Human Evolution?

    Human evolution is defined anthropologically as the process of adapting from primate like species which led to human existence. The study of human evolution is beneficial towards advancements in our genetics and towards useful medications. Most diseases are hereditary, which means as humans evolved so did their diseases and conditions. If we continue to explore and study these diseases and mutations then we could potentially find treatments or cures. The study of human evolution is also important so that we are able to find out more about our past. The study of our past my prove to benefit our future. Our futures are unpredictable as to when they will end. The study of our past can lead to discoveries as to how we can better prepare ourselves for our fates. Whether those fates being another ice age or an exploding lava pocket under the Yellowstone National Park. Those preparations may allow a chance to escape our fates to restart our population. The funding of human evolution will prove to be beneficial as we continue to learn more about our own adaptations. 

Acclaimed fossils might not depict human evolution



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